自動翻訳 (後半に英語も有り)
国家樹立から186年から1000年後、862年にヴァイキングからスカンジナビアのルイク王子を招聘したとき、ロシアの北西部にノーという都市があり、それがロシア建国の年である862年に中央集権化されました。マークが付けられ、その中には880年にも、実際にはリクの幼い息子の摂政だったrbの後継者に捧げられた記念碑があります 過去にいた2人の兄弟は、過去にケブ・エドのところにやって来ましたリクの乗組員ら
慣例は賢明なユスが亡くなった後に導入したもので、父親から長男への継承という直接の順序はありませんでしたが、亡くなった王子から弟への水平継承であり、それが少数の党派のFAL分割につながったものです。古代ローズのこと ヨーロッパでも同じことが起こったのは自然な過程だったが、ロシア国家を分割した人々は、チサンとクティがロシアにやって来て設立した帝国の餌食となり、すべての都市を略奪し、キや他の都市のようなさまざまな都市が失われた。
しかしその後、ポーランド王国とリトアニア大公国が統一され、精神的な領域における別の統一が調印され、正教会の司祭の一部は教皇に従属したため、これらの土地ではポーランドとリトアニアの国家に移管されました。何十年もの間、ポー夫妻はうまく改宗させようとしていた、ああ、あの人たち、あのロシア人は、彼らが特定の、そして完全にロシア人ではないという考えを挿入し、浸透させようとしていた、彼らを同化させようとしていた ウクライナとは、ああ、国民の端正な意味だ
国境地帯は土地が整っていて、その中には国境警備隊か何かだった人もいたが、そこには特定の民族に関するものはなかったので、極地はそこのロシア人を同化しようとして、それらの土地を厳しい、あるいは残酷な方法で扱いました。ロシアの土地が自分たちの権利を求める闘争の一部につながった 彼らは自分たちの権利が支持されるべきであると主張するワルシャワに手紙を書いた お願いだから教えてもらえますか 歴史の中でポーランドの抑圧がどの時期にあったのかわからなくなりつつあるのですが教えていただけますかそれは中にありました
13世紀 13世紀 14世紀 13世紀 何が起こったかは後ほど説明し、記録しておきます4 前に、ロシアの土地のその地域を支配していた人々が、一部のロシア民族と正統派の支配者がワルシャワに送られるだろうと主張してワルサに演説しました。彼らを統治するためにワラはそれを拒否し、拒否し、その後、彼らはモスクワに目を向け、モスクワが彼らに対する権力を確立するようにしただけです、私は物事をでっち上げているわけではありません、あなたは私がこれらの文書をあなたに渡すだけのものだと考えていませんか?
第一次世界大戦で、領土の一部がポーランドに移管され、ダン市が現れる代わりに名前が変更されたので、ヒトラーが彼らにそれを与えるよう求めました、ええと彼らは友好的に拒否しましたが、それでも彼らはヒトラーと協力し、彼らは一緒にあなたを作っていますウクライナは確かにウクライナの一部である ウクライナ東部は事実上ロシアは何百年も続いている 24年前に大統領になったときになぜ受け入れなかったのか あなたは核兵器を持っている 核兵器は持っていない もしそれが実際にあなたのものなら
ヒトラーが1939年9月1日に彼らに対して戦争を始めたのは国連だった ポーランドは妥協を許さなくなり、ヒトラーはポーランドとソ連から始めなければならなくなった 私はいくつかのアーカイブを読んだことがある ソ連はああ正直に行動した ソ連はポーランドに尋ねたチェコスロバキアを支援するためにポーランドの地を通って自国の軍隊を通過させる許可が出たが、当時のポーランドの外務大臣は、たとえソ連の飛行機がポーランド上空を飛んだとしても撃墜されるだろうと述べたが、それは問題ではない、と彼は言った。
ドイツの東部の土地 ドイツの東部の一部 いくつかの部分 これらは現在ポーランドの西部の土地であり、再びバルト海の海岸線の一部を受け取り、ダニグは再びガンスに名前が変更されました。状況がどうなったのか、全体の状況がどのように起こったのか、1922年にソ連戦争が成立したとき、ボリシェヴィキはソ連を設立し始め、以前は存在しなかったソビエト・ウクライナ共和国を設立した。それまでは存在しなかったし、スターリンも
ロシアは1654年当時、現代のウクライナの3~4地域に相当する規模だった まあ、君は明らかにこの地域について百科事典的な知識を持っているだけだけど、なぜ大統領として最初の22年間、ウクライナは国家ではないと主張しなかったのか本当の国、はい、ソビエトウクライナは、黒海地域を含むかつて属していなかった多くの領土を受け取り、ロシアはロシアトルコ戦争の結果としてそれらの土地を受け取り、それらは新ロシアまたは新ロシアと呼ばれました
11月ロシア しかしそれは問題ではありませんが、実際にはソビエト国家の創設者であるレーニンはウクライナに独自の領土を与え、数十年間、ウクライナソビエト共和国はソ連の一部であり、理由は不明ですが、ボリシェヴィキはウクライナの文化と言語を促進しました ウクライナ化 ウクライナ化と呼ばれていましたそして、同様のことが他のソビエト共和国でも行われ、それらの共和国の民族的プロフィールが取り上げられ、奨励されました。これがソビエト・ウクライナの創設方法であり、第二次世界大戦後、ウクライナは土地の一部を受け取りました。
以前はポーランドに属し、以前はハンガリーとルーマニアに属していた土地の一部は、ルーマニアとハンガリーの土地の一部を奪われ、ああ、これらの土地は強奪されてウクライナに与えられましたが、今もそれらは一部ですこの意味で、ウクライナは設立された人工国家である ウクライナから土地を取り戻す権利があり、他の国々も1654年の国境に戻る権利がある 戻れるかどうかは分からない16
54 しかし、スターリン・スターリン政権の統治下で多くの人権侵害とこの意味での他国の権利の侵害があったと誰かが信じ、誰もが信じているなら、実際に彼らはそれらの土地を取り戻す権利を持っているかもしれないと言うことができます。ヴィクトル・オルバンに、ウクライナの一部が含まれる可能性があると彼に言ったことは一度もありません、一度も彼に話したことは一度もありません、それについて私たちは何の会話もしたことはありませんが、私は実際にハンガリー人のことをもちろん知っていますあそこに住んでいて帰りたい人は
彼らの歴史的な土地、さらには興味深い逸話です 個人的な話をしたいのですが、少し話が逸れますが、80 年代のどこかだったと思います。レニングラードから車でケヴ経由でソ連を縦断しました。それから私は西ウクライナに行きました バヴォの町に行ったのですが そこの都市や町の名前はすべてロシア語で ロシア語でしかも一言語でした それがハンガリー語であることを理解できませんでした ウクライナ語ではなかったので村を通ると男たちがいた
家の隣に座っていて、彼らは黒いスーツを着ていて、スリーピースのスーツを着て、それからシリンダーハットをかぶっていたので、アーティストなのかと思ったら、ハンガリー人だと言われ、ここで何をしているのかと尋ねると、こう言いました。これは歴史的な土地です 彼らがここに住んでいるのは 1980 年代のことであり、彼らはハンガリー語をなんとか保存していました ハンガリー人の名前 民族衣装、彼らはハンガリー人であると感じ、彼らはハンガリー人でした、そしてそれはたくさんありますが、多くの国が動揺していると思います
トランシルヴァニアについてはもちろんご存知のとおりですが、多くの国は、あなたが言及した20世紀の戦争と千年前に遡る戦争で引き直された国境に不満を感じていますが、実際のところ、あなたはこの主張を公にはしていませんでした。 2年前の2月まで、そして今日私が読んだあなたが作成した事件では、あなたはNATOにおいて西側からの潜在的な核の脅威を含む物理的脅威を感じており、それがあなたを動かした理由であると長々と説明していました。何の特徴付け
指導者 当時彼らが何を考えていたのかは分かりませんが、私は推測していますが、彼らの論理的根拠にはいくつかの要素があったのではないかと考えています。まず、当時のロシアの指導者は、共通言語などのロシアとウクライナの基本的な関係が基本であると考えていたと思います。当時の90%はSP ロシア人の家族の絆 だって、ロシア人の3人に1人がウクライナに家族かその他のタイヤを持っていることを知っているからです 共通の文化 共通の歴史 共通の宗教 これらは基本的なものです あなたも知っています
為政者たちはそれを引きずり下ろさなければならなかったと確信していると思いますか 西側諸国は強いロシアよりも強い中国を恐れているのです なぜなら、ロシアにはたったの1億5千万人しかいないし、中国には15億人もいるし、中国経済は急成長しているからです年間5%以上だから潜在力は膨大だ ビスマールは最も重要なのは潜在力だと言っていたが、購買平価という点では中国は潜在的に世界最大の経済国である、それは米国を抜き去っている
でも、誰が誰を恐れているかについては話さないようにしましょう そのような言葉で話すのはやめましょう 1991年以降、ロシアが文明国家の兄弟国家に加わることを期待したとき、それはうまくいかなかったという事実に戻りましょう、ああ、あなた私たちをうまく騙した 私はあなた個人のことを話しているのではなく 私たちのことを話しているのです NATOは東に拡張しないと約束されていましたが 拡張の波は5回ありました そして私たちはそれに耐えました 私たちが彼らを説得しようとしているのを容認しました私たちは
私たちは今あなたと同じだと言っていた、私たちは資本主義経済を知っている、一時的に来よう、合意を見つけよう、あなたが知っているイエルソンの時代を見てみましょう、偉大な猫が私たちの前を横切った瞬間があったことをあなたは知っています、あなたも知っているイエルソンアメリカに来た 彼は議会で良い言葉を言った それが合図だった これは私たちを入国させてくれという合図だったが それからユーゴスラビアの発展を覚えているだろう 以前のユーゴスラビアの発展を思い出してほしい イーロンは惜しみなく称賛されていたが、その後彼は声を上げたセルビア人と私たちの支援
公の場で繰り返し言えますが、ここクレムリングで退任する米国大統領ビル・クリントンとの会談がありました、私たちは隣の部屋に座っていました、そして私はビルに、もしロシアが認めるよう求めたらどう思うかとビルに言いました。 NATOへの加盟、それが起こると思いますか、彼はそれが興味深いことを知っていると言った、私はそうだと思う、しかし夕方に私たちが夕食のために別の会議を持ったとき、彼は私が私のチームと話した知っていると言いました、いいえ、今は起こらないでしょう、だからあなたが尋ねることができます彼は私が見なかったこのインタビューを見てくれると思う
中東とイラクについて、私たちは非常に賢明で慎重なやり方で米国との関係を構築していました、そして私はいつも米国に北部党員集会での分離主義を支持しないようお願いしていますが、彼らは依然としてその財政情報を軍事支援さえも支持し続けています。アメリカとその衛星から支援が流れ込んできた 北部党員集会でのテロリスト禁止への支援 以前、同僚のアメリカ大統領と話したことがあるのですが、その問題を提起したら、彼は不可能だと言いました、そうするべきだと彼は言いました
あなたには証拠があります、そして私ははい、と言いました 私には証拠があります、そして私は彼にその証拠を渡しました、そして彼の反応が何であるか知っていますか、彼は私が彼を十分に殴ってあげると彼が言ったことです、彼らの尻を蹴りなさいと彼は言いました、そして私たちはいくつかのことを待っていましたえー、返事、えー、返事、そして私はあなたが知っているFSBの同僚に米国のカウンターパートに連絡するように頼んだのですが、基本的にCIAとアーカイブから返事が来ました、そして、えー、その返事は次のとおりです、はい、私たちは反政府勢力と協力しましたロシアではそれがそうだと私たちは考えています
えー、アメリカのABMシステムのセットアップ その最初の頃、私たちは長い間そうしないように彼らを説得しようとしてきました ブッシュ・セニョールから招待を受けました えー、彼は私を遊びに来ないかと誘ってくれて、大統領ととても真剣に話し合いましたブッシュ大統領が彼のチームと一緒だったので、私は次のことを提案しました。ABMシステムがどうかどうかという米国の公式声明はご存知でしょうが、米国とロシアと欧州は安全保障に対する脅威に対して共同で共有するABMシステムを構築すべきだと言いました。彼らがセットアップしていたのは
イランに対して、イランの脅威があるので、アメリカ、ロシア、ヨーロッパが一緒に力を合わせたらどうだろうかと提案したら、非常に興味深い返事が返ってきた。彼らは真剣に聞いてきた、今年は何年だったか尋ねてきた、覚えていない、えー、調べてみますインターネットは、私がブッシュ先輩の招待で米国にいたときのことです。そして、SEC でこれからお話しする人から学ぶほうが簡単です。そして、彼らは、はい、それは非常に興味深い準備だと私に言いました。想像してみてください。この戦略的課題を一緒に解決できれば世界は変わるでしょう はい
彼らは賞を授与されたとき、東には1インチも動かないと約束してくれましたが、それは紙に祀られていなかったので、5回の拡大の波があり、バルト三国が加わり、東ヨーロッパ全体が加わりました。そして今、私はああ、世界の亀裂に来ています。 2008年に彼らがウクライナに来た件については、ブカレスト首脳会議で、決定が下される限り、ジョージアとウクライナのNATO加盟への扉は開かれているという声明が発表されたが、NATOではドイツ、フランスはヨーロッパの他の国々と同様に反対していたと言われている。
ウクライナ憲法に明記されているが、これは実際にはクーデターだった C 想像してみてもいいが、それ以前に米国の誰かがこの結果を好まないだろうから、kma 大統領退任後、ヤヌコービッチが選挙に勝ったが、反対派は彼の勝利を認めず、米国も承認しなかった野党側に戻り、再選挙が行われたが、実際には事実上A Karであり、アメリカもそれを支持し、この派手な再選挙の結果、誰かがアメリカの選挙の結果を気に入らなかったために再選挙が起こった。
ドンバスでは、上空を飛んでいる戦闘機がドネットを爆撃している映像があります。彼らは大規模な軍事作戦を行いましたが失敗し、NATOの領土の軍事開発を背景に次の軍事作戦を繰り返し、NATOの扉を開きました。私たちの懸念を表明しなければならなかった それがなければ、それは私たちの側の過失である 刑事上の過失となるでしょう アメリカの指導者の政治的指導力が私たちを超えられない境界線まで私たちを追いやったのですから、刑事上の過失となるでしょう
選挙が行われているのに、彼には勝つチャンスがなかったのに、なぜこのクーデターとすべての犠牲者を犯し、なぜクリミアに脅威を与え、ドンバスに対する作戦を開始するのか理解できないが、これが誤算だとは思えない彼らとCIAはその役割を果たした 国務次官の一人は、彼らがそのために約50億を費やしたと言ったが、なぜそんなことをするのか、合法的に合法的に、クリミアを失うことなく実行できたはずだったのに、なぜそんなことをしたのか。彼らも私たちもそうは思わない
指をかき混ぜてください、マイダンでの血なまぐさい展開が起こらなかったら、私たちは指をかき混ぜることはなかっただろう当時の私たちは、米国崩壊後の国境はこれと同じくらい大きくなるということに同意しましたが、国境の拡大には決して同意しませんでしたNATO やウクライナが NATO の一部になることについて、私たちは決して納得せず、何の話し合いもなくそこに NATO 軍事基地が存在することを受け入れた。私たちは何十年も懇願し続けてきた、そんなことをしないで、これが実際に戦争の引き金となったということをしないでください。最近の開発と
彼らは協定に署名したが、履行するつもりはなかったと世界中で公にしている、彼らが私たちの足を引っ張ったことは知っているだろうか、誰か話し相手はいたのか、米国大統領国務長官に電話して、ウクライナを軍事化し続けるのかどうか伝えたのか? NATO軍、これは実現するだろう、これは我々が行動するだろう、我々は彼らに言い続けた、我々はアメリカの指導者たちと欧州の指導者たちに訴え、直ちに中止するよう主張し、ミンスクはああ、と言い続けた。
協定の締結は私たちの要求であり、私たちの要求を尊重するために私はそれに応える準備ができていました。これは、ドンバの多くの私を支援するウクライナにとっては簡単なことではありませんが、私たちが生きている人々を説得できれば、それが私の心からの信念であったと確信していましたドンバスでは、ウクライナ国家に戻るために彼らを説得しなければならなかったが、傷は治るであろうということを説得しなければならなかった Ⅲ ウクライナ領土の一部は、遅かれ早かれ徐々に、ウクライナと年金と手当の全体的な基準の枠組みに収まるであろうことは確実だった
再び報酬が支払われることになるが、ウクライナでは軍事力だけで行動することを誰も望んでいなかったので、結局このような状況になり、ウクライナでは一連の措置は履行しないと表明し、戦争を再開した。 2014年、そして私たちのG目標 私たちの目的はこの戦争を止めることです 私たちが始めたものではありません 2014年に戦争を始めたわけではありません 私たちは今それを止めようとしています つまり、あなたは目的を達成しましたか、いや、この時点で私たちはそうしていますそれは、目標の 1 つが高密度化だからではありません。
ウクライナを密にせよ 私が意味するのは、ウクライナにおけるネオナチ運動の禁止である これは私たちが話し合った問題の一つで、昨年の初めにイスタンブールでの交渉中に提起されたものである 私たちのイニシアチブにより、ヨーロッパ人が私たちに次のように言ったことで結論が出た文書の最終的な署名には文脈を確立して提供する必要があり、フランスとドイツの私の同僚は、想像してみてください、どうやって銃を突きつけてこれに署名するつもりですか、軍隊を動かして軍隊を引っ張るべきだと言いました
私たちが軍隊をケーブ地域から引き戻したとたん、突然、私たちのウクライナの相手は交渉人であり、協定をすべて投げ捨て、ゴミ箱に捨てて、長期にわたる膠着状態と反政府軍の準備を整えました。アメリカの協力を得て反対する これが物事の展開です 高密度化とは何ですか それは何を意味しますか 独立開始後の関連性の確認は非常に重要な問題であると私は考えています
ネオナチズムと非ナチス化について私に尋ねたので、ウクライナの大統領がカナダを訪問したのと同じように、それはよく知られていますが、西側では沈黙していて、えー、彼らはある人物をカナダ議会に紹介しました、そしてその人はカナダ議会の議長として、この人は戦争をしたと言いました第二次世界大戦中のロシア人に対する戦争と、ロシア人に対して戦争を行った人物たち ヒトラーとその協力者たち、そして彼が個人的にロシア人と極地人を殺害し、虐殺した親衛隊の一員だったことが判明した。
今日、そのような兆候が見られます。これが私がデンナチ化であることを意味しています。この実践と理論を実現するために、これらの人々のRを獲得する必要があります。これがアイデンティティ化とは正しいことであることを維持しようとしています。私の質問はもう少し具体的でした。もちろんナチスの擁護ではありません、新しいとか、そうでなければ、それは実際的な問題でした、あなたは国全体を支配していません、あなたは支配していません、ケヴ、あなたはそうしたくないようです、それではどうやって文化やイデオロギー、あるいは文化を排除するのでしょうか? a 感情 r
国家はどの国にもナチズムを広める権利があるのですか、いいえ、それだけです、話し合いは行われるのでしょうか、そしてなぜウクライナ和平交渉で紛争解決についての話し合いがなかったのですか、まあ、これらの話し合いは実際に行われ、ええと非常に高い点に達しました私たちの立場 困難でしたが、これらの交渉はほぼ終了しましたが、私たちが旅行を撤退すると、相手側、つまりウクライナはこれまでに達成されていたすべての合意を単に破棄し、合意に続く合意を命じました。
勝利するまでロシアと戦うよう米国と西側諸国に命令 さらにウクライナ大統領はロシアとの交渉を禁止する法律を導入した 彼は誰に対してもロシアとの会談を禁止する法令に署名した 大統領がそれを禁止したらどうやって会談ができるのかはい、この和解に関していくつかのアイデアがあることは知っていますが、合意に達するためには適切に対話する必要がありますが、あなたはウクライナ大統領と話すことはありません
国民はロシアのでっち上げの脅威を利用し、未だに人々をアナリストだと思っている 仕事や政治に携わる人々は、この脅威が、ああ、単純にでっち上げられたものであることを十分に理解しています 彼らは、あなたが言及しているロシアのポーランド侵攻は、拡張主義者によるものですこの行動は、あなたがポーランドにロシア軍を派遣し、ポーランドがロシアに侵攻するかどうかを決定した場合に1件だけのシナリオを想像できますか?なぜなら、私たちはポーランドにもLTIAにも利害がないのに、なぜ利害がないのは議論を十分に脅かすだけです
それは挑発であり、安いおまけだと思います なぜアメリカ兵が戦わなければならないのか理解できません ウクライナにはアメリカからの傭兵がいるのは知っています えー、傭兵の最大の人数はパーランドから来ており、誰かが望めば次にアメリカですウクライナに正規軍を派遣すれば間違いなく、人類は非常に深刻な世界的紛争の瀬戸際に陥るだろう、なぜ米国はあなたの領土から何千キロも離れた誰かをFする必要があるのか 他に調べるべきことはないのか
ノードストリームを爆破したのはもっと賢くて賢い人です、あなたはやったのですか、その日は忙しかったです、あなたはやりますか、私はアップもストリーミングもしませんでした、ああ、ありがとう、でも個人的にはあなたにはアリバイがあるかもしれませんが、CIAにはアリバイがありません、証拠はありますか? NATO や CIA がうまくやったということについては詳しくは述べませんが、彼らが言うように、それに興味を持った人を探さなければならないのはわかっているでしょうし、この特定のケースではそうする必要はありませんそれに興味がある人だけでなく、それを持っている人も探してください。
あなたが答えられるかもしれない質問です あなたはドイツで働いていました 有名ですね ドイツ人は NATO パートナーがこれをしたことを明らかに知っています しかし彼らは彼らの経済に大きな損害を与え 決して回復することはできないかもしれません なぜ彼らはそれについて沈黙しているのですか それは私には非常に混乱します なぜそうしないのですかあなたと同じようにドイツ人もそれについて何か言っていますが、現在のドイツの指導者は国益によって導かれているわけではありません、導かれているのは西側集団の利益です、そうでなければ、その論理的根拠を説明するのは非常に困難でしょう。
彼らの行動、あるいはうまく行動するという使命 はい、ノースストリームの 1 つはえーっと吹き飛ばされました ノースストリームの 2 つは損傷しましたが、弦の 1 つはまだ非常に生きており、このラインを通してガスを入れることができますが、彼らは私たちが望んでいることを理解していませんそうするけど、彼らはポーランド経由の別のルートがあることを求めていない、そしてポーランドはそれを閉鎖した、でもポーランドはドイツ人の手から食っている、彼らはヨーロッパの基金から金を取っているのに、それらの基金への最大の寄付者はドイツだ、しかしああ、ポーランドは閉鎖した
ドイツにつながるパイプライン なぜ彼らはそんなことをしたのか理解できない、あるいはウクライナを見てみましょう ドイツは経済援助という点では米国に次ぐ第2位の援助国です ウクライナを通じてウクライナに提供されているガスパイプラインが2本あるのに、なぜ彼らはやらないのでしょうガスパイプラインの一つを取って、ウクライナに開通を要請すれば、ロシアからガスが手に入るから、ドイツ人は彼らに武器を与えて金を渡しているので、ロシアにガスを要求して対応してもらうことができる、さもなければ金を払わなければならないからだ三重価格
よく考えてください、あなたは言葉が二つの半球に分かれていると言っているのです、半球に分かれているのは私たちの脳です、一方の半球はある行動分野を担当し、もう一方の半球はより創造的ですが、それでもそれは一つの脳であり、一つの頭であり、世界は一つであるべきです安全保障は統一であるべきです 一緒であるべきです 共通であるべきです 共有されるべきです 金十億のためだけの安全であるべきではありません それが一つの世界である場合にのみ、世界は予測可能で安定します そして頭が分割されている限り
これは病気であると同時に深刻な病気でもあり、現在、世界はこの重大な病気に苦しんでいますが、誠実で誠実なジャーナリズムのおかげで、かなりの部分までその病気をうまく克服できると思います。一例として米国を挙げましょう。ドルは一種の世界統一を果たしました ええと、多くの点であなたの利益ではないかもしれませんが、間違いなく私たちにとっては、予約通貨としての地位がなくなり、世界的に受け入れられる通貨になるということです 制裁によって世界におけるドルの地位はどのように変わったと思いますか?
世界の人々は、これは米国の指導者が犯した最も重大な戦略的ミスの一つだと考えています。ご存知のとおり、米ドルを外国政治的対立の手段として利用したのです。なぜなら、ドルは米国の繁栄と権力の礎石であり、誰もがそれを理解し、理解していたからです。世界中を回っていると印刷しました インフレは最低です 3%はわかりませんが、4%は米国にとって許容可能なレベルであり、好きなだけ米ドルを印刷できます、なぜなら公的債務があるからです
資産の凍結や取引の制限などの特定の国に対する措置は、2022年までにロシアで何が起こったかを全世界に示す非常に重大なシグナルです えー、ロシアの外国貿易取引の約80%は80%で行われました第三国との取引の約 50% を米ドルおよび米ドルが占めていましたが、現在この数字は 133% 程度まで減少していますが、米ドルの使用を禁止したのは私たちではありません。これは私たちの目標ではありませんでした。米国による制限決定
たとえばレンガは中国人に完全に支配される危険にさらされている 中国経済 ああ、彼らの主権にとって良くない形で 心配しているの? これらの不気味な話を私たちは以前に聞いたことがある ボーの話 中国と私たちの隣人、あなたは知っています隣人や親戚を選ぶことはできない、私たちは1,000キロメートル離れた国境を共有している、これが第一、第二、私たちはお互いに慣れている、第三に、共存という点で何世紀にもわたって付き合ってきた、第三に外務省の哲学
彼らが経済問題に直面しているとき、彼らは今中国で経済問題に直面している 企業や企業は欧州市場に進出しており、米国には多くの中国人起業家や企業がいるが、政策は彼らを制限する効果がある自分たちに損害を与え、実際には中国との協力を制限しようとしている、あなた方の経済に損害を与えている、これは非常に複雑な問題であり、ドルに関しても、特効薬などあり得ない。
制裁の観点からすれば正当なことだが、そのような決定を下すか否かはもう一度考えるべきだ そこであなたは先ほど、もし世界的に協力があれば、競合する同盟に分裂しなければ世界はずっと良くなるだろうと言いました。あなたがそうしない理由の一つは、現在のアメリカ政権があなたに完全に敵対しているからです。もしジョー・バイデンの後に新しい政権ができたとしたら、あなたはアメリカ政府との意思疎通を再確立できると思いますか、あるいは
1992年にはレンガの比率は16%だったが、今では世界経済におけるG7のシェアを超えており、それはウクライナの発展とは何の関係もない、世界的なトレンドがこのようにして現れている、これは避けられないこと、これは今後も起こり続けるだろう、それは国家の台頭のようなものである。太陽 太陽が昇るのを防ぐことはできない あなたは米国に対応して調整しなければならない 武力の助けを借りて米国はどのように対応するのか I 圧力爆撃 どこにでも軍隊が適用される これはあなたの政治的エリートが同意しないことを認めています
PPPで第一位になり、販売量ではインドを上回った そしてインドには15億人が住んでおり、その後日本が4位、ロシアが5位 世界最大の経済大国である 昨年、あらゆる制限や制裁にもかかわらず、欧州最大の経済大国となった私たちに対して多くの制裁が課されるのは当然だと思うでしょう、私たちはスウィフト取引システムから切り離されており、私たちの船舶は制裁下にあります、船、石油輸送船、航空機が最も多くの制裁を受けています
独自の法律があり、各州には独自の規制があり、人々を選挙から候補者に締め出すことができ、2段階2段階の選挙制度があるが、それをよく知るのは非常に難しい 2つの主要な政党が支配政党がある超党派のシステムであり、意思決定センターがあることはご存知でしょうが、とにかくソ連崩壊後を見てみると、ロシアに対する誤った根拠のない政策、NATO拡大手段による圧力政策、そして党員集会での分離主義者の支援がありました。
中国、これは間違いです、うーん、反ソ連に対処する専門家が多すぎるからでしょう、おそらくそこには新しい新鮮な兵士と前向きで世界で何が起こっているかを知っている人々が必要です、インドネシア600を見てください。 100万人もの巨大な人口を抱えており、見て見ぬふりをすることはできません。そしてインドネシアは今や主要経済国の仲間入りを果たしており、あらゆる経済問題にもかかわらず、米国は良好な経済状況と成長率を誇っています。
本質的に反米的ではない人々の考えは、彼らはただ世界の発展を観察し追跡しているだけであり、物事を分析し、政治指導者に何かを提言できる、もっと前向きな人々が必要であることはわかっています。 NATOの東への拡大は1990年に皆さんと交わした約束に違反しているとはっきり言いましたね、ウクライナに軍隊を派兵する直前に、それは皆さんの国に対する脅威です、アメリカ副大統領はミュンヘン安全保障会議に行きましたそして
「ウクライナ大統領にNATOへの参加を奨励しましたが、それはあなたを軍事行動に駆り立てるための努力だったと思いますか?」 そうですね、私たちは2014年のクーデター後にウクライナで生じた問題に対する決断は平和的手段で行われるべきだと何度も示唆しましたが、そうではありませんでした。一人は私たちの言うことを聞いてくれましたが、ウクライナのアメリカの支配下にあったウクライナの指導者たちは突然、ミンスク協定を尊重しないと言い、それが気に入らず、その領土で戦争を続けました。
2014年にウクライナでネオナチが武力行使を行った ジリンスキーにはこの紛争の解決について交渉する自由があると思いますか 詳細はわかりませんが、ほとんど判断できませんが、おそらく彼は彼に持っているか、彼の父親はそうだったと思います第二次世界大戦でナチスと戦っていたとき、私は一度彼と話したことがありますが、あなたの父親が彼らと戦ったとき、それは最前線だったのに、なぜ今日ウクライナでネオンナチを支援するのですか、私は兵士になります、私は彼の言うことに答えません、と言いました。彼が何と答えたかは言わないでください
私たちと交渉するために彼にそれを打倒させてください、その法令を廃止させてください、ロシアに準備ができているかどうか、私たちはこれらの質問を聞いていますが、話し合いを拒否しません、この法令と彼らが旧英国の説得に従ったという事実を放棄して廃止させてくださいジョンソン首相はばかばかしくてとても悲しいです。アラム氏が1年半前に言ったように、私たちは戦争を止めることができると私は完全に思いますが、実際にはイギリスは私たちにそうしないように説得し、そして私たちと私たちはそれを断りました ジョンソン氏は今どこにいますか?戦争はオノです それは良い質問です どこにいますか
彼はそうだと思う、そしてなぜ彼はそんなことをしたのでしょう、これが主流の考えであることはわかっています、誰もが戦場でロシアが敗北する可能性があると妄想していました、これはええと自信の席についてでした、ええと、ほとんど理由がありませんでした これが付いている理由はほとんどありませんでしたあなたは心を込めて、しかしほとんど論理的ではありませんが、ロシアとウクライナの関係について説明しました。あなたはロシア自体を正統派であると何度か説明しました。それがあなたのロシア理解の中心です。あなたは自分が正統派であると述べました。
それはあなたにとって、あなた自身の説明によるとキリスト教の指導者であるという意味ですか、それではそれがあなたにどのような影響を及ぼしますか、私が以前988年に述べたように、ウラジミール王子は祖母のオルガが受けたように洗礼を受け、その後彼の軍隊も洗礼を受けました改宗し、他のロシア人が正教に改宗しました しばらく時間がかかりましたが、その後、ロシアがユダヤ教を公言する他の国や人々を取り込んで拡大したとき、ロシア人の心に非常に深く根を下ろしました ロシアは常にユダヤ教、イスラム教、仏教に非常に忠実でした
ロシア人は、ここに住んでいるほぼすべての民族がロシアを祖国とみなしているため、ラテンアメリカから米国に来る人やヨーロッパに移民が来る場合、彼らは歴史的な土地からヨーロッパ諸国に来ることが多いと言うのに対し、ロシア人はロシアを祖国と見なしています。ロシアでは正教以外の宗教を公言しているが、今でもロシアを祖国とみなしている 私たちは皆、一つの大きな家族であり、伝統的な価値観は非常に近い これは一つの大きな家族だと言いましたが、それぞれの家族には他の宗教も含まれています
少人数の家族、これが私たちの社会の基本的な基盤であり、その家族に緊密なつながりが必要な場合、それがまさに当てはまります。なぜなら、国全体の正常な未来を確保しない限り、子供たちの正常な将来を保証することはできないからです。言えるでしょうか。宗教が違う点の一つは、キリスト教が特に非暴力的な宗教であるということです イエスは、もう片方の頬を向けるな、殺してはいけないと言います どこの国でも人を殺さなければならない指導者がどうしてできますか 指導者がキリスト教徒になれるのですか どうすればいいですか
自分自身と和解せよ、自分の家族を守る必要があるなら、和解する方が簡単だ、自分の国を守るべきだ、我々は誰も攻撃していない ウクライナ情勢の発展の出発点は何だったのか 出発点は、クードと暴力の激化だったドンバス、そして私たちは自分自身を守っています、私たちの国民、私たちの国、私たちの未来 宗教全般に関する限り、それはほとんど外には現れないということです 毎日教会に行ってひざまずくことだけではありません
地上の宗教はあなたの心の中に存在します これは私たちの文化です それは非常に人間指向です ご存知のとおり、ドヴィはロシア文化とロシア文学の天才として西側では非常によく知られており、彼はそのことについてよく話しました 彼はロシアの魂について話しました西洋社会はより現実的ですが、ロシア人は永遠のもの、道徳的なもの、価値観にもっと関心を持っています。あなたは私に同意しないかもしれませんが、私は西洋文化の方が現実的だと思います。これが悪いと言っているわけではありません。これが結果をもたらすのです。黄金の
人類の歴史では常にそうだったということは逃れられない いくつかの国はバラになり、一部の民族は大きくなり、より強くなり、そして慣れ親しんだ資質を失って国際舞台から去った まあ、ジサンか黄金の大群と征服者を見てみようか、それともしましょうローマ帝国を思い出してください、あなたはローマの歴史、そして人類の歴史より偉大なものはないと考えるかもしれませんが、その後野蛮人はより強くなり、より多くの数が増え、ローマは急速に衰退し、彼らの経済は悪化し始めました。
ローマ帝国はさらに強くなり、ローマ帝国が築いた体制は崩壊したが、ローマ帝国が崩壊するのに5世紀かかった。現状との違いは、現在、発展が以前よりもはるかに急速であるという事実にある。ローマ時代のことですが、AI 帝国はいつ始まりますか? この質問に答えるには、ますます複雑な質問をすることになると思いますか? この質問に答えるには、大きな数字とビッグデータの専門家である必要があります AI を意味します
問題は、人類が多くの脅威に直面しているということです たとえば、遺伝学の用語ですが、現在、遺伝学者はあなたが知っている限り、スポーツ選手や遺伝子操作された軍人のような特殊な人間を作り出すことができます、そしてチップは知っていますか?ムスクによって脳に組み込まれている ああ、もう止めることはできないと思う イラン・ムスクは彼が必要だと思うことをするつもりだが、あなたは必要がある 彼との共通点を見つけるか分からない あなたは説得する方法を探さなければならない彼は賢い人だと思います
そしてあなたは知っておくべきです 彼と合意に達するために このプロセスは形式化され、特定のルールに従う必要があります 人類は、遺伝子学の新しい発展や、そのせいで人類に何が起こるのかについて考えなければなりませんAI では、何が起こるかを多かれ少なかれ正確に予測できますが、人類が核兵器による生存の脅威を感じると、当時はそのような兵器を保有するすべての国が互いに妥協することを決めました。
与えられた時間の中で最後に一つだけ質問したいのですが、それは米国で非常に有名な人についてです、おそらくここにはいないでしょう エヴァン・ガーソヴィッツ ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナルの記者です 彼は32歳で、ほぼ1年間投獄されていますこれは米国で大きな話題になっているので、その物語や何が起こったのかについてのあなたの解釈には立ち入らずに、あなたに直接聞きたいのですが、あなたの良識のしるしとして彼を私たちに解放していただければ、私たちはそうします彼を元に戻してください
この問題は解決できるし、我々も解決するつもりだが、満たす必要のある特定の条件があり、それについては特別サービスチャンネルを通じて話し合った 合意に達することは可能だと思うので、典型的には、このようなことは明らかに一国で何世紀にもわたって起こっていることを意味する国境内で別のスパイを捕まえると、それを他国にいる自国のインテルの人間と交換する 何が原因なのかと思うし、それは私には関係ないが、この違いを生むのは、その男は明らかにスパイではなく、彼は子供であり、おそらく彼は壊れていたのだろう
モナコがその情報の入手に興味があるとしても、モナコのために働いていますが、合意に達するのは特別サービス次第であり、何らかの基礎は築かれていますが、私たちの見解では、特別サービスに縛られていない人々もいます。刑に服している人 えー、同盟国で、まあ、私たちの同盟国で、その人は、愛国的な感情のために、えー、党員集会の展開中にヨーロッパの一つで盗賊を排除しました、あの人が何者か知っていますか
秘密裏に機密情報を入手していたジャーナリスト はい、それは違いますが、それでも私が話しているのは、どこに服役していても基本的に米国当局によって管理されている他の人々についてであり、特別機関の間で継続的な対話があり、これにより冷静で責任ある専門的な態度で行うべきです 連絡は継続中ですので、彼らに仕事をさせてください あなたが言及した人が彼の国に戻る可能性は排除しません ギッチさん
それは本質的に決して起こらないということは不可能であり、彼らは私が西側の権力を支配している人々のことを意味していることに気づき始めていると思います、そしてそれが認識され始めたら、彼らはそれについて考えなければなりません、そして私たちは喜んで話し合うつもりです。 NATO勝利おめでとうと言いたいし、今の状況がうまくいっている状態を維持してほしい、これは交渉のための話し合いの問題であり、誰も私たちとそれについて話そうとはしないだろう、たぶん彼らは話し合いを望んでいるし、私は彼らがそうではないことを望んでいることはわかっている
遅かれ早かれ我々は合意に達するだろう 今の状況では奇妙に聞こえるかも知れませんが、いずれにしても両国の関係は再構築され、長い時間はかかりますが、必ず修復されますウクライナ兵が丸で囲まれていた例をいくつか知っていますか 私はこの例を実生活から引いているだけです 私たちの兵士たちが彼らに向かって叫んでいました チャンスはありません ああ、降伏してください、ああ、あなたは生きて出て行くでしょう、そして彼らは叫んでいます
完璧なロシア人、完璧なロシア人、ロシア人は降伏しないと言っている、ウクライナ人から聞いた話でわかるが、現在起こっていることはある程度南北戦争の要素であり、西側諸国の誰もが、敵対行為が、ああ、この二つの国にくさびを打ち込んで国を分断したと考えている。永遠に離れ離れになっても、それは起こらないだろう、彼らは再び一緒に戻るだろう ウクライナ当局はウクライナ正教会を解体するのは何ですか、それは領土だけでなく、私たちの魂と心を一つにし、
Mr President thank you on February 22nd 2022 you addressed your country in a nationwide address when the conflict in Ukraine started and you said that you were acting because you had come to the conclusion that the United States through NATO might initiate a quote surprise attack on our country and to American ear that sounds paranoid tell us why you believe the United States might strike Russia out of blue how did you conclude that well it was not about that the United States wanted to surprisingly strike Russ I didn’t say
so is it a talk show or is it a formidable serious talk that we’re having here’s the quote thank you it’s a formidable serious talk it’s a it’s a serious talk okay you have uh you are trained into history as far as I know yes so allow me I’ll allow myself like to spend a minute to give you a a reference note a debriefing if you don’t mind that please well look our relationship with Ukraine what was the starting point of the of the relationship where does Ukraine come from the Russian state became
centralized which was the year of establishment of the Russian state in 862 when well there’s a city of noard in the northwest of Russia when they invited Prince ruik from Scandinavia from the Vikings in 862 in 18 6 to 1,000 years since the establishment of the statehood was marked and in there is a Memorial dedicated to that in in nor in 8802 the successor of r b who actually was a regent to to rik’s young son came to Kev Ed two brothers that used to be in the past had been in the past uh members of the crew of Rik and so
there there were two centers of the statehood in K and in nor back then the next red letter date was 888 the the conversion into Christianity when Prince Vladimir accepted Eastern Christianity the Orthodox faith in K since then decentralized power in in Russia got entrenched with a single territory a single economy one and the same language and after the baptism of of Rus they had the same the same faith and the rule of grand Prince and the centralized Russian state was fledgling thanks to different reasons after the succession to throne practices
were introduced by Yus the wise after he passed away there was no direct order of succession from father to the eldest son but it was it was horizontal from theis Prince to his brother and all that led to the partitioning FAL parti FAL partitioning of of ancient Rose same happened in Europe it was a natural process but those that partitioned State Russian state became and fell prey to the Empire established by chisan and khti came to Rus pillaged all the cities and different cities like Kev and others lost their
independence by Northern while Northern uh cities of Russia preserved part of their sovereignty they paid tribute to to the Yoke and later the centralized Russian state became fledgling in in Northwestern part of Russia and the southern lands of Russia were gravitating towards towards another Center the one of Europe the grand lith Lithuanian Duke duy the Lithuanian Russian duy as the Russian ethnic Russians constituted a major a big part and they were orthodo in faith and they spoke the Asian trussi language then there
but later Poland the kingdom of Poland and the grand duchy of Lithuania were unified and another unification in spiritual sphere was signed and part of the Orthodox priests were now subordinate to the to Pope so in those lands were transferred to the Polish and Lithuanian state but for decades the poles tried to well convert uh those those people those Russians trying to insert and trench an idea that those were not speci specifically and fully Russian trying to assimilate them Ukraine means uh the trim of the nation
the trim of the land the Border area so some of them were were border guards or something but there there was not about a specific ethnic group so the poles tried to assimilate the Russian population there treated those lands in a tough or cruel even way all that led to that part of the Russian land’s struggle for their rights they wrote letters to Warsaw claiming that their rights were to be up upheld I beg your pardon can you tell us what period I’m losing track of where in history we are the Polish oppression it was in the 13th
century 13th century 14th century 13th [Music] century and I’ll tell you what happened later and I’ll keep track the4 or earlier the people who controlled in that part of the Russian lands addressed Warsaw claiming that some Russian ethnicity and Orthodox rulers would be sent to to to govern them declined and rejected that and then then they turned to Moscow so that Moscow would establish its power over them just I’m not inventing things don’t you think just just what I’ll give you these documents it
doesn’t sound like you’re inventing it I’m not sure why it’s relevant to what happened two years ago well still these are copies from the archive with letters from banit the one who controlled that part of the Russian lens that is now called Ukraine and he wrote to Warsaw claiming that the rights be up held and when he was rejected he ref received the refusal he started writing to the Zar of Moscow wishing to to be part of the Russian lands and there is a translation in in in Russian and in English probably Russia would not
accept them straight away because they feared that the war a war with Poland would be Unleashed 165 before uh the zamsky council decided that this part of the ancient Russian lands be accepted as part of the new Russian land and the war was Poland began and it lasted for 13 years and afterwards a truce was enacted after this 1654 act three 32 years after towards the Eternal peace with Poland was established and proclaimed and all the Left Bank on of n of the N River including K NEPA NEPA River uh was part of Russia
became part of Russia and the right Bank of uh NEPA became part of Poland and in under the rule of Katherine the Great Russia returned all those historic lands historical lands of its and that all happened and last till the revolution but before World War I using the ideas of Ukraine ethnicity and origin the Austrian general staff started promoting the Ukrainian origin and Ukrainian identity because they in the view of the first world war they wanted to weaken the prospective enemy and you know the idea that had
been born in Poland that those people residing in that territory were not specifically in holy Russian was later promoted by the Austrian general staff and theorists appeared in the 19th century upholding the independence of Ukraine they spoke of its need to obtain Independence but all The Feelers of the Ukrainian sovereignty of the proponents said that Ukraine was to have a very good relationship with with Russia they insisted on that well after the revolution of the 1917 happened biks tried to restore the statehood and the Civil War began
including uh standoff with Poland a standoff with Poland in 1921 the peace with peace uh treaty with Poland was proclaimed and under this treaty the right Bank of NEPA River once again belonged to Poland in 1939 after Poland cooperated with Hitler and they collaborated with Hitler actually and however all the documents in the archive and Hitler proposed uh Poland a peace treaty and the friendship treaty but he claimed that Poland should give the dance Corridor back back to dancing Corridor back to Germany and that connected the main part of uh
Germany with East bran kingburg and after the first world war that part of territory was transferred to Poland and instead of dancing the city of Dan appeared it was renamed so Hitler Hitler asked them to give it uh amicably they refused but still they collaborated with Hitler and they together making a case that that Ukraine certainly parts of Ukraine eastern Ukraine is in effect Russia has been for hundreds of years why wouldn’t you just take it when you became president 24 years ago you have nuclear weapons they don’t if it’s actually your
land why did you wait so long sh SCH I’ll tell you I’ll tell you I’m coming to that you know there’s the briefing is coming to an end it might be boring but it explains mer many how it’s relevant good good good I I’m so gratified that you appreciate that so after when before the before World War II Poland did not accept the claims of Hitler the demands of Hitler but participated in partitioning of Czechoslovakia but it did not give the Dan Corridor to of Germany the polls play too much and you know as a result
of that Hitler started the war with them against them on the 1st of September 1939 it was UN Poland turned uncompromising and Hitler had to begin with Poland and the USSR I have read some archives the USSR be behaved in a h in an honest way the USSR asked Poland’s permission to Transit their troops through the Polish soil to to help Czechoslovakia but the then polish foreign minister said that even if uh Soviet fly planes would fly over Poland they would be downed he said but that doesn’t matter what matters is the
war is that the War Began in Poland fell prey to their own policies against Czechoslovakia according to the MTO ribbon drop pack part of that territory now belongs to Russia including Western Ukraine and Russia That Was Then named the USSR came back to its historical lands and after the victory in the Great Patriotic War as we call World War II all those territories were enshrined to belong to the USSR finally definitively and uh actually Poland as a as a compensation received the originally German West Western
lands the eastern part of Germany part of the eastern part of Germany some some segments these are now Western lands of Poland and it once again received the part of the coastline of the Baltic Sea and the danig once again was renamed to become Gans so this is how the situation the whole situation happened and when the usar wars established in in 1922 the Bolshevik started establishing the ussi and they established the Soviet Ukrainian Republic that was not existent before hadn’t existed before and Stalin
insisted that those republics would become autonomous entities unfortunately strangely lenan insisted that they should have a right to withdraw Ro and pull out of the uh USSR and to unknown reasons he gave some transferred some of the lands to that Soviet Republic of Ukraine that belonged previously to Russia and that became part of the Ukrainian Soviet Republic including the Black Sea region that was conquered by the great and it had no bearing historical bearing on Ukraine had no relations in 1654 when Ukraine was reunified got reunified with
Russia they were the size of three to four contemporary regions of Ukraine in 1654 well I’m just you obviously have encyclopedic knowledge of this region but why didn’t you make this case for the first 22 years as president that Ukraine wasn’t a real country yes the Soviet Ukraine received a great deal of territory that had never belonged had no belonged to it including the Black Sea region Russia received those lands as a result as an outcome of the Russian Turkish Wars and they were called new Russia or
Nova Russia but that doesn’t matter but actually Lenin the founder of the Soviet state gave Ukraine its own territory and for decades the Ukrainian Soviet Republic was part of the USSR and to unknown reasons the Bolsheviks promoted the Ukrainian culture and language ukrainization ukrainization was called and uh the similar things were done in other Soviet republics the the ethnic profiles of those republics were raised and uh promoted this is how Soviet Ukraine was created and after the second world war Ukraine received part of the lands
that belonged to had belonged to Poland before and part of the land that had belonged to Hungary and Romania before so Romania and Hungary were were deprived of part of their lands and uh these lands were snatched and given to Ukraine and now they’re still part of Ukraine so in this sense Ukraine is an artificial state that was established has a right to take its land back from Ukraine and that other nations have a right to go back to their 1654 borders I’m not sure whether they can should come back to the 16
54 but if anyone believes and everyone believes that the Stalin Stalin regime rule saw a lot of violations of human rights and violation of the rights of other nations in this sense actually one can state that they may have a right to claim those lands back have you told Victor Orban he can have part of Ukraine never I’ve never told him I’ve never told him not not not a single time never we haven’t even had any conversation on on that but I actually know for sure of course the hungarians who live over there they want to get back to
their historical land moreover just an interesting anecdote a personal one I would like to share with you you know let me diverge a little bit uh somewhere in the 80s I think uh I went on a road trip through the USSR from Leningrad on a car via Kev then I went to Western Ukraine I went to the town of bavo and all the um names of the cities and towns over there are in Russian were in Russian and also in one language I didn’t understand it was Hungarian it was not Ukrainian so I went through a village and there were men
sitting uh next to their uh houses and they were wearing uh black suits uh three-piece suits and then in cylinder hats and I was wondering whether those were artists and I was told these were hungarians and I asked what are they doing here and they say that’s the historical land they live here it was during the times the 1980s and they had managed to preserve the Hungarian language Hungarian names National attire and they felt Hungarian and they were Hungarian so and there’s a lot of that though I think many nations
are upset about Transylvania as well as you obviously know but many nations feel frustrated by the redrawn borders of the wars of the 20th century and Wars going back A Thousand Years the ones that you mentioned but the fact is that you didn’t make this case in public until two years ago February and in the case that you made which I read today just you you explain at Great length that you felt a physical threat from the West in NATO including potentially a nuclear threat and that’s what got you to move
is that a fair characterization of what you said well yes I understand that probably a long squ does not fit the genre of an interview so um I asked whether that was a show or a serious talk and you said it was a serious talk so serious talk so bear with me please so we are coming to the point where the Soviet Ukraine was established then in 1991 the Soviet Union collapsed and everything that Ukraine had got as a gift from Russia well it with it and generally I’m coming to the current point in time the the collapse of the Soviet Union was
basically the initiative of the Russian leadership I do not understand what they were thinking back back then but I suspect that there were several elements to their rationale several reasons first I believe that the then Russian leadership thought that the fundamentals the fundamental basic relations between Russia and Ukraine such as common language because 90% back then spoke Russian familial ties because uh you know one in three Russians have families or some other tires in Ukraine common culture common history common religion
these are fundamentals you know also been in one single state for hundreds of years these are fundamentals just as the economic interconnections and that is what drove the Russian leadership to think that inevitably the relations would be good between the two countries and secondly as an American citizen I want you and your audience to know that the Russian leadership thought that okay the USSR would cease to exist but there would be no more divisive lines of ideological nature they also thought that Russia you know voluntarily of its own
valtion decided to dissolve the Soviet Union thinking that the Civilized West as it were would see that as an invitation to friendship and Alliance that is what Russia was expected expecting from the us and the collective West as a whole there were some smart people in particular in Germany aan Bart he was a prominent uh politician from the Social Democratic party and in personal talks with the Russian the Soviet leadership before the collapse of the Soviet Union he was insisting that a new collective security
system should be established in Europe yes he thought that help should be given to uh the reunified Germany but also it was supposed to create a security system involving the uh US Canada and he said if NATO would expand then it would be uh back during like during the Cold War but only closer to Russian’s border he was very smart but no one listened to him and you know we’ve got some talks from archives and he got angry he said if you don’t listen to us I am not never setting my foot in Moscow once again he
was very frustrated with the Soviet Union and his prophecy came true well it of course it did come true and I and you’ve mentioned this many times I think it’s a fair point and many in America thought that relations between Russia and the United States would be fine with the collapse of the Soviet Union the end of the Cold War that the opposite happened but you’ve never explained why you think that happened except to say that the West fears a strong Russia but we have a strong China the West does not
seem very afraid of uh what about Russia do you think convinced policy makers they had to take it down the West is afraid of a strong uh China more than it fears a strong Russia because it’s uh just 150 million people in Russia and it’s 1.5 billion people in China and also China’s economy is growing at more than 5% a year so the potential is enormous you know bismar used to say the most important thing is the potential and China potentially is the biggest economy in the world in terms of purchasing
parity it’s out stripped uh the us but let’s not talk about who is afraid of whom let’s not talk in such terms Let’s uh get back to the fact that after 1991 when Russia expected that it would be inducted into the brotherly nation of civilized Nations it didn’t happen well uh you you tricked us well I’m not talking about you personally I’m talking about the us we were promised that NATO would not expand eastwards but there were five waves of expansion and we bore with that we tolerated that we were
trying to reason with them because we were saying we we are like you right now we are you know a capitalist economy let’s come to temps let’s find an agreement you know let’s look at yelson times there was a moment when you know the great cat crossed our path as it were you know yelson came to the US he spoke in Congress he said the good words and these were the signals these were the signals telling you let us in but then you know remember the developments in Yugoslavia before that yelon was lavished with praise but then he raised
his voice in support of serbs and we couldn’t but do that yes I understand there were some complex processes underway but Russia couldn’t help raising its voice in support of Serbia because Serbia is a brotherly Nation also an orthodox culture so gelon spoke in favor of but what did the US do in violation of international law and the UN Charter they started bombing belgrad and the us and it was the US that led the Gin out of the bottle moreover when Russia was indignant when it was uh uh protesting it was St that the international law and
the UN Charter had become obsolete right now they’re all referring to to international law but back then they were said saying that the international law was obsolete yes some things need to be changed but not in this manner and then yelon came under heavy criticism he was accused of alcoholism of understanding nothing he understood everything okay I became president in 2000 and I thought okay Yugoslavia as a thing of the past Let’s uh give a shot at rebuilding the Rel let’s reopen the door that Russia had
tried to go through more over I said that publicly and I can reiterate there was a meeting here in the Kremlin with the outgoing uh president of the US Bill Clinton we uh uh sat in the room next door and I told him Bill what do you think if Russia uh asked to be uh admitted into NATO do you think it would happen he said you know it’s interesting I think yes but in the evening when we had another meeting for dinner he said you know I’ve talked to my team no not going to happen not now so you can ask him I think he’ll
watch this interview I wouldn’t have said anything like that if it hadn’t happened were you sincere would you have joined NATO listen I asked a question I said is it possible and the answer was no but if he had said yes would you have joined NATO if he said yes then the process of rashman would have uh commenced and it might have happened in the end if there were some sincere wish on the side of our partners but it didn’t happen okay think that is just to get to motive I know you’re clearly bitter about it um I
understand but why do you think the West rebuffed you then why the hostility why did the end of the Cold War not fix the relationship what motivates this from your point of view you said uh that I feel bitter because of that buffal no that’s not bitterness I’m just stating the facts because you know we’re not bride and groom these are not the terms we’ve got to use in speaking about such uh matters we understood that they were not expecting us there okay we said let’s uh build relations in another manner Let’s
uh look for common ground elsewhere why we got that negative response you should uh ask uh your government I could only guess it we would be too big of a country with its own opinion well I I saw how NATO solves and settles matters just an example I would like to site it applies to Ukraine you know the US says something and all the uh rest just uh tune in and they follow and they wake I’m not going to open any secret to you or say anything new but you know after that conversation we made different attempts at building
relations just to set an example know during the events in the Middle East and Iraq we were building our relations with uh the US in a very prudent cautious Manner and uh I always uh ask the us not to support separatism in the northern caucuses but they still Contin continued with that financial information support even military support and that support was flowing in from the US and from its satellites support towards uh terrorist bans in the northern caucuses I once talk to a colleague of mine a president of the US and I raised that issue and he
said uh it’s impossible uh he said do you have proof and I said yes I have proof and I gave that proof to him and do you know what his response would be he said uh I would give him a good thrashing that’s what he said kick their ass he said and we were waiting for some uh response uh reply and I asked a colleague from FSB you know to contact his counterpart in the US and we’ve got the response uh basically from the CIA in the archives and uh the response goes as follow yes we have worked with the opposition
forces in Russia and we think it is the right thing to do and we will continue doing that just ridiculous we understood that no serious conv conversation could be course is in opposition to you so you’re saying the CIA is trying to overthrow your government well of course in that particular case what they meant were the separatists the terrorists that were fighting Us in the northern Caucasus that is what uh who they called the opposition that’s the second moment uh another one another aspect also very
important I’m talking about the uh setting up of the uh us ABM system the very beginning of that we long tried to persuade them to not to do that I got an invitation from uh uh Bush senior uh he uh invited me uh to visit ESP play some The ocean and we had a very serious conversation with President Bush with his team so I proposed the following I said the US Russia and Europe should come up with should set up a joint shared ABM system against the threats against our Security even though you know the uh official statement of the US what the
the ABM system they were setting up was against Iran the threat of Iran so I suggested why not join forces together the US Russia and Europe and I got a very interesting response they asked me are you serious ask what year was this well I don’t remember uh we can look it up on the internet when uh I was in the US at the invitation of Bush senior and it’s easier to to learn uh from someone I’m going to tell you about in a sec uh and they told me yes that is a very interesting prepares your L I said just imagine if we can solve this
strategic task together the world would change yes we would probably have differences economic differences political differences but we would drastically change the situation the world and they asked me are you serious and I said yes they said we’ve got uh we need some time to think and I said okay go ahead and then you know at this very uh room where we talking we we got uh former CIA director Gates and also state Secretary rice they sat here opposite from me at this uh table uh we we had defense minister foreign minister and
the gust said yes we we’ve thought about that but we disagree and twice you’ve described US presidents making decisions and then being undercut by their agency heads so it sounds like you’re describing a system that’s not run by the people who are elected in your telling yes exactly so yes they just uh rebuffed us I’m not going to reveal all the details because that was a confidential conversation but our proposal was uh declined it’s a fact and I said uh okay listen but in that case we will have to
uh come up with a response and we’ll have to come up with offensive systems that are able of capable of overcoming your ABM systems and they said uh your systems are not against you you and we’ll assume that yours are not against us and we had to come up with the Hypersonic uh uh Hypersonic InterContinental missiles and we continue to develop this technology and we are a head everyone in the world in terms of hypersonic offensive systems and day in day out we are perfecting these systems we proposed that another path should be
followed but uh our proposal was rejected now as for the NATO expansion ewards they promised us that they wouldn’t move an inch to the east but it was not enshrined on paper so there were five waves of expansion and the Baltic states did join and Eastern Europe in general and now I’m uh coming to the cracks of the matter they came to Ukraine in 2008 at the Bucharest Summit a statement was made saying that the uh doors were open to Georgia and Ukraine to join NATO now as far as decisions are made uh in NATO Germany France allegedly were
against as some other countries European countries but you know uh President Bush is a very tough guy and as I was told afterward uh I was told that he had exerted pressure on them and they had to acques so it’s like in a kindergarten you know where are the guarantees who are they a you know they got under some pressure and they had to agree okay but then they say Ukraine is going to change join NATO and I say I know that you agreed to uh open the doors to Ukraine uh in 2008 there is no guarantee that you’re
not going to do the same sometime in the future so I don’t know whom to talk to over there we are willing to talk but who to whether are we get the guarantees no guarantees at all and they started entering the Ukrainian soil this was the for history about how that territory developed and what relationship they had with Russia each second or third person they had has had ties with Russia so when the elections happened in in the new sovere Sovereign Ukraine as a result of the Declaration of Independence of Ukraine that said that
Ukraine was a neutral state but all of a sudden in 2008 NATO doors were opened to that so it’s so interesting but we hadn’t agreed to that we didn’t come to terms on that old presidents that Rose to power in Ukraine relied on uh voters on the electorate that had a good relationship and a good attitude to Russia the southeast of Ukraine had always had a good attitude to Russia and you know it was very difficult to dissuade this electorate and Mr yovic Rose to power afterwards there he won the election after kochman
and the Run was organized that was not enshrined in Ukrainian Constitution this was a coup actually C just imagine someone in the United States wouldn’t like the outcome no prior to that before so after president kma retired yanukovich won the election but his opponents did not acknowledge his victory and the United States approve back to the opposition and a rerun was held which actually was virtually a c and the United States backed that and as a as a result of this rerun like fancy someone doesn’t like the outcome of the American
election and the rerun happens that is not enshrined in the American Constitution so Victor yino Rose to power in Ukraine he was a pro Western politician well anyway we established some working contacts with him he came to visit us and we went to Kiev we uh had meetings informally also well let let them be Pro Western okay let them do what they want they should have their own domestic developments independently you know after he ruled that country things deteriorated there and as a result yanukovich once again
came to power he may not have been the best president I’m not sure I would like to give any assessments but you know the matter of the association with the EU was brought up we always were quite loyal on that okay but when we read the draft agreement it turned to be a problem for us CU us and Ukraine had had a free trade area and open Customs borders and Ukraine had according to that Association agreement open their borders to Europe and that would float to our Market due to less and then we said we’ll close our borders with
Ukraine our customs and yanukovich started doing his Reckoning and Counting whether Ukraine will lose or or or gain and he stated to his Ukrainian counter uh people counterparts that had to think and destructive opposition activity began straight away and it ended up with maidan with a K in more train with Russia than with the EU Ukraine did of course of course it’s not about the volumes of trade the quantities it’s about the cooporation ties that the Ukrainian economy relied upon and those cooperation ties between Enterprises and
factories had been there since the Soviet times like an Enterprise would produce components for final assembly both both plants in Ukraine and Russia and there was very close cooperation but the kud happened afterwards it was perpetrated fortunately well I wouldn’t like to speak of details but the the the United States said you you C yovich down and would mify the opposition they said let it drift they said towards a political settlement we said okay we are in agreement with that let it be so and yov checked to apply for armed forces or
police while the armed opposition in cave perpetrated a cudar how can I reckon that and assess that who are you I asked the United States backing of whom with the backing of CIA definitely this is an entity that you wanted to become part of thanks goodness he were not accepted Al those it’s a it’s a serious entity my ex counterparts I worked in the first office main directorate of the Soviet intelligence service and they were our opponents well you know this is work well technically they did the right
thing they attained what they wanted the outcomes they wanted they changed the power in Ukraine but politically was a blunder a colossal blunder and the political leadership probably should have calculated otherwise and they had they were to have thought what it would lead to in 8 they opened doors of of NATO to Ukraine in 2014 a cudar was perpetrated with a help and this was a katar and those who did not recognized this K were persecuted and they had to they created a threat to Crimea and we had to take crime and protectorate they
began Warfare in donbas applying artillery and naviation against civilians in donbas we have the footages with uh fighter jets bombing donet flying over that and they had a major military operation they failed and had another one and another one against the backdrop of military development of that territory of NATO and open doors of NATO so we actually had to express our concerns otherwise it would it would be negligence criminal negligence on our part it would have been criminal negligence because the American
leadership political leadership drove us to the borderline that we could not over step and that would destroy Russia and we had to uh support our Creed mates our faith mates what was the so but that was eight years before the current conflict started so what was the trigger for you what was the moment where you decided you had to do this well the trigger originally the trigger was the C in Ukraine and representatives of three European nations came then Germany Poland and France and they they acted as guars of the agreement subscribed
between yanukovich and the opposition and they put their signatures as guarantees despite that the opposition perpetrated that coup and these countries pretended they they were not the guars they were oblivious and they they uh threw it to the dust bin and I I’m not sure whether there is any knowledge in the United States about the guars and this agreement between opposition and the in inage government and instead of a political settlement they supported the coup they backed the coup there was no point in that actually
believe me because yovich agreed to everything and he was ready for early election and he would not had no chance he stood no chance to succeed to win why then perpetrate this coup and all those victims and why pose a threat to Crimea and launch an operation against donbas I cannot understand that I cannot fancy this is the miscalculation of their and the CIA did its part played its part one of the deputies of secretar of State said that they spent around5 billion do on that but why do that why have they done that it could
have been done legally legitimately and without the loss of Crimea for them and we wouldn’t stir a finger we wouldn’t have stirred a finger had there not happened the developments the bloody developments on maidan we back then agreed that after the collapse of the ussar the borders would be as as as great as St but we never agreed to an expansion of NATO or that Ukraine would become part of NATO we never ConEd and accepted that there would be NATO military bases there without any talks with us we kept begging for decades
don’t do this don’t do that this actually acted as a trigger to the recent development and with respect to the recent development the leadership of Ukraine stated they would not abide by the Minsk Accords that were signed after the developments of 2014 in Minsk with a plan laid out for peaceful settlement in donbas and the Ukrainian today’s Ukraine Ukrainian leadership their foreign minister and other officials and the president said they didn’t like a thing about the Minsk package of measures and
they would not stick to them and the former leaders of France and Germany said that around a year ago said in public worldwide that they had signed that agreement but they had not been going to execute to fulfill that you know they pulled our leg was there anyone for you to talk to did you call a US president secretary of state and say if you keep militarizing Ukraine with NATO forces this is going to get this is going to be a we’re going to act we kept telling them that we kept telling them that we addressed the American
leadership and the European leaders claiming that it’ be stopped immediately and the Minsk uh Accords were to be executed was our requirement our demand I was ready to fulfill to honor this is not uh an easy thing for Ukraine with lots of a for donbas but I was positive it was my sincere believe that if we would persuade those people living in donbas to come back to the Ukrainian State hood and they had to be persuaded the ones would heal I I I was sure and sooner or later gradually that part of the Ukrainian territory would fit back
into the overall frame of reference of Ukraine and pensions and allowances would be paid once again but no one wanted that in Ukraine they wanted to act with the help of military force only and it ended up with this situation and they stated in Ukraine they would would not fulfill the uh package of measures and they started the war back in 2014 and our G goal our aim is to stop this war we did not begin we didn’t launch it back in 2014 we’re now trying to stop that I mean have you achieved your aims no at this point of time we have
not because one of the goals is the densification to den naify Ukraine I mean the prohibition of Neo-Nazi movements in Ukraine this is one of the issues that we discussed that was brought up during negotiations in Istanbul last yeah at the outset of last year Upon Our initiative it was concluded as the Europeans told us that the context had to be established and provided for the final definitive signature of documents and my colleagues in France and Germany told me just imagine how can they how are they going
to uh to sign this at gunpoint you should move your troops pull your troops back from cave as soon as we pulled our troops back from the K region all of a sudden straight away our Ukrainian counterparts our negotiators threw all their Accords and wasted them uh into the Dustbin and they got ready for a long standing standoff and opposition military opposition with the help of the United States this is how things develop what is dentification what would that mean well I’m coming to that it is a very important question a
pertinent densification after the start of its independence after they obtained the independence Ukraine started looking for its identity and it could not invent anything better than boting ahead of anything else you know the fake The Falls Heroes that collaborated with Hitler I have already said that in early 19th century the theorists of a future prospective Ukrainian Independence appeared they assumed that an independent Ukraine should was to have a good relationship with Russia but in the course of historical
development and those territories were part of Poland ukrainians were persecuted and this identity was pressed upon the crack down upon and that all remained in uh in people’s memory and when World War II began part of that far right or far nationalist Elite began to collaborate with Hitler thinking that Hitler would bring them freedom and the German troops the SS troops did the filfest part of the job to eliminate Poes and Jews and they they did it with the hands of the collaborators of those collaborators and
that Massacre of the Poes and the Jews of Russians happened as a result it was led by Bandera shushkevich and other characters well known and those people are now presented as national heroes and they kept telling everybody you know nationalism is existent in other countries there are sprouts definitely but you know they are trumbl trampled upon in many countries not but not in Ukraine they in Ukraine they are converted in National Heroes they’re turned in national heroes and monuments are erected to them they are put on
banners and their name are chanted by the torch processions across the country but those had annihilated eliminated exterminated Poes and Russians and Jews and probably this glorification should come to an end any any Nation you know I’m telling I’m saying that they’re part of Russian people they’re saying that we’re separate nation if they believe to be a separate nation they have a right to think so not all however building upon the Nazi ideology like look at the French pres be satisfied with the territory that you
have now let me conclude the pr thought you asked me about NE naism and denazification so like the Ukrainian president came to visit Canada it is well known but it’s hush in the west and uh they introduced a person to the Canadian Parliament and that person as the speaker of the Canadian Parliament said that this person waged Warfare against Russians during World War II and who were those who waged war against Russians Hitler and his collaborators and it turned out that he was part of the SS troops he personally
killed and slaughtered the Russians and the poles uh and the SS troops made out of Ukrainian nationalists did the dirty and filthy job and the Ukrainian president trose together with the rest of parliament of Canada and he applauded this person how can you imagine how can you fancy that and he he’s a Jew by by by really my question is what do you do about it I mean Hitler’s been dead for 80 years Nazi Germany no longer exists and so true and so I think what you’re saying is you want to extinguish
or at least control Ukrainian nationalism but how how do you do that just listen to me your question is very intricate may I think my uh I think speak up and say my true opinion will you not take offense of course it is a tricky but a nasy question you you’ve been saying that gitler is gone for 80 years but actually his cause is with us and the people that exterminated Jews Poes and Russians are still alive and a president the current president of of today’s Ukraine gives this person a round of applause in Canadian Parliament
a standing evasion can we say that we eradicated this ideology all together if we see such manifestations today this is what I mean to be Den nazification we should should get rid of these people that that bring this practice and Theory to life trying to preserve that this is what densification is about right my question was a little more specific it was of course not a defense of Nazis new or otherwise it was a practical question you don’t control the entire country you don’t control Kev you don’t seem like
you want to so how how do you eliminate a culture or an ideology or a Feeling or a view of history in a country that you don’t control what do you do about that I was well you know strange as it may seem to you during the talks in Istanbul we did come to an agreement and you know everything was put on paper uh saying like statements that no Nazism neonazism would be cultivated in Ukraine that it would be prohibited at the legislative level so we did come to an agreement on this subject and this can be achieved through talks and
there’s nothing humiliating in that to Ukraine as a modern civilized state does any country have the right to propagate Nazism no that’s it will there be talks and why haven’t there been talks about resolving the conflict in Ukraine peace talks well these talks did happen and they did reach a very high point of according our positions uh it had been difficult but these talks were almost finished but once we withdrew our troops troops from K the other side namely Ukraine simply discarded all the agreements that had been achieved and uh
it ordered an agreement uh following the orders of the US and the Western countries to fight Russia until Victory moreover the Ukrainian president introduced a legislative ban on having negotiations with Russia he signed a decree that bans anyone from having talks with Russia how can they have talks if he prohibited himself from doing that and the rest as well yes we do know that there are some ideas with regard to this settlement but in order to come to an agreement you need to have dialogue right well but you wouldn’t be
speaking to the Ukrainian president you’d be speaking to the American president when was the last time you spoke to Joe Biden well I I don’t remember well we could look at look at this up why do I have to remember everything you know I’ve got many things to attend to well he’s funding the war that you’re fighting so I would think that would be memorable well yes he does fund that when did that happen the last time I spoke to him was before the beginning of the special military operation incidentally I’m not going to go into
details but back then I told him I said I think you’re making a his a mistake of historical proportions in supporting what is currently happening over there I I told him that and I had said that to him on multiple occasions what did he say well you you should ask him please it’s easier for you because you are citizen of the US you can go there and you know ask him I think it would be wrong improper for me since before February of 2022 no we haven’t spoken we do have some contact incidentally you remember I told you
about my proposal on working together on setting up a joint ABM system well you can ask all of them because all of them luckily are very healthy and all alive and the former president and Kisa and Mr Gates I think and the current director of CIA Mr Burns back then he was Ambassador to Russia and I think he was very successful at what he was doing and they were all witnesses to these conversations you can ask them and if you’re interested in to know what President Biden responded to my words you should ask him I’m I’m I’m
definitely interested but from the outside it seems like this could devolve or evolve into something that brings the entire world into to conflict and could um initiate some a nuclear launch and so why don’t you just call Biden and say let’s work this out solve this how solve what because everything actually is very simple we’ve got contacts at the level of different agencies and you know I’m gonna tell you what we’re trying to uh what kinds of signals we are uh sending to them and I what we are saying is if you want this
over you have to stop uh the supplies of weaponry and everything is g to end in uh several weeks and then we can uh agree on the terms it’s as easy as that so no need to call for that asking them for for that for what because uh yes they are going to supply this and this Weaponry to Ukraine and well we’re not afraid okay do that do you think NATO is worried about this becoming a global war or a nuclear conflict well uh anyway they’re talking about that and they’re trying to intimidate their own
population using an alleged made up Russian threat and still thinking people an analysts those who work in politics understand full well that this threat is uh simply fabricated they’re trying to fuel the Russ you’re referring to is a Russian invasion of Poland lvia expansionist behavior is can you imagine a scenario where you sent Russian troops to Poland in only one case if Poland decides if it invades Russia because we have no interests in Poland or in lva so why do that we have no interests only threats well the argument
I know you know this is that well he invaded Ukraine he has territorial aims across the continent and you’re saying unequivocally you don’t absolutely no uh I rule this possibility out you don’t have to be an analyst because that goes against common sense you know to get involved in a global war because a global war would push Humanity as a whole to the brink of Extinction yes there are means of deterrence that’s true you know they were making threats saying that Russia would use tactical nuclear weapons tomorrow or the day
after tomorrow but these are well you know it’s just like a boogeyman for Rank and file citizens to make the US taxpayers the European taxpayers uh you know to uh pay up for military action in Ukraine and their goal is to weaken Russia as fully as possible one of uh our senior United States senators from the state of New York Chuck Schumer said yesterday I believe that we have to continue to fund the Ukrainian effort or US soldiers citizens could wind up fighting there how do you assess that I think it’s
provocation and a cheap one to boot I don’t understand why American soldiers would have to fight you know there are mercenaries from the US in Ukraine uh the biggest number from mercenaries comes from perland and then the us if someone wants to dispatch regular troops to Ukraine then that would no doubt put Humanity on the brink of a very serious global conflict does the US need that why F someone thousands of kilometers from your National ter don’t you have other things to look into I think there are issues on the border
issues with migration with external public dead you know like to the gene of more than 30 trillion US dollar there are other things to do isn’t it better to come to an agreement with Russia given the current developments given that you understand that Russia is going to fight for its national interests until the very end so this should compel us to get back to Common Sense to have respect for our country for our interests and to search for Solutions I think this would be far smarter and far more sensible who blew
up nordstream you did I was busy that day n do uh I did not pull up nor stream uh thank you though well personally you might have an alibi but Cia doesn’t have one do do you have evidence that NATO or CIA did it well you know I’m not going to go into detail but as they say you know you’ve got to search for someone who had interest in that and in this particular case you don’t have you have to search not just for someone who is interested in that but also uh someone who has the capabilities because there are many
people who are interested in that but you know not everyone is capable of scouring the bottom of the Baltic Sea but I’m confused I mean that’s the biggest Act of industrial terrorism ever and it’s the largest emission of CO2 in in history okay so if you had evidence and presumably given your Security Services your Intel Services you would that NATO the US CIA the West did this why wouldn’t you present it and win a propaganda Victory well it’s very difficult you know to achieve a propaganda Victory
because the US controls all the global media and as far as many Europeans European media are concerned the and beneficiary in many cases are American Funds foundations so know so you know getting m in that well this is one Avenue to pursue but you know it can uh turn out to be very expensive and moreover we might reveal our own sources of information without securing the end result the whole world understands what happened and even the American analysts speak about that publicly but but here’s a question you may able to answer you
worked in Germany famously um the Germans clearly know that their NATO partner did this but they and damaged their economy greatly it may never recover why are they being silent about it that’s very confusing to me why wouldn’t the Germans say something about it well as confused as you are but the current German leadership is not Guided by national interests what it’s Guided by is the interests of the collective West otherwise it would be very difficult to explain the rationale for their action or a mission to
act well yes northstream one was uh blown up northstream two has been damaged but one of the strings is still very much alive and you can get gas through this uh line but they’re not getting that we are willing to do that but they’re not asking for that there is another route via Poland and Poland has shut that down but uh Poland is eaing from the hands of Germans they’re taking money from the European funds whereas the biggest donor to those funds is Germany but uh Poland has shut down the pipeline leading to Germany why did they
do that I do not understand or let’s have a look at Ukraine Germany is the second biggest donor after the US in terms of financial Aid uh provided to Ukraine through Ukraine there are two gas pipelines so why wouldn’t they take one of the gas pipelines they could ask uh Ukraine to open uh that up and they would get gas from uh Russia so uh the Germans are giv them money giving them weapons so they could ask for gas from Russia and response because otherwise they have to pay triple price for LG and it brings down the
competitivness of the German economy and they they given money to Ukraine and they could ask in recompense you know to for some economic support like gas so you should ask them why they’re doing what they’re doing these are incompetent people maybe the world is breaking into two hemispheres one with cheap energy the other without and I want to ask you that if if we’re now a multi-polar world obviously we are can you describe the blocks of alliances who who is in each side do you think you are saying the word is being
split into two hemispheres it’s our brain that it’s divided into hemispheres one hemisphere is responsible for one uh field of action the other is more creative but still it’s one brain it’s one head and the word should be one should be United Security should be together should be common shared it shouldn’t be security just for the golden billion and only if it’s uh one world then the world is going to be predictable and stable and as long as the head is split into two it’s a disease and a grave one
too and right now the world is suffering from this grave disease but I think to a large extent thanks to sincere and honest journalism will be able to overcome that disease well let’s just give one example the the US dollar which has kind of United the world uh in a lot of ways maybe not to your advantage but certainly to ours is that going away as the reserved currency the the com the universally accepted currency how have sanctions do you think changed the Dollar’s place in the world think this is one of
the uh gravest strategic mistakes committed by the US leadership you know using the US dollar as an instrument for foreign political confrontation because dollar was the Cornerstone of American prosperity and power and everyone understands and understood that because however many dollars you’ve printed they go around the world inflation is at a minimum I don’t know 3% Z 4% which is an acceptable level for the US and you can print as many US dollars as you like you know because the public debt of the US is testimony to
that but be that as it may dollar is still the Cornerstone of American power across the world but once the US leadership decided use the US dollar as an instrument for foreign policy confrontation once they did that they dealt a blow to the American power I would be loed to you know uh use uh for letter words that that are improper but it is a very grave mistake look uh even the American Allies do decree their dollar reserves they are starting to search for ways to Shield themselves because if the US applies restrictive
measures to certain countries such as uh you know freezing assets or restrictions on uh transactions then it is a very grave uh signal to the whole world what did happen in Russia until 2022 around 80% 80% % of uh Russian foreign trade transactions were carried out in US Dollars and US dollar accounted for about 50% of our transactions with third countries whereas currently this figure has been brought down to 133% or so but we were not the ones to prohibit the use of US Dollars this was not our goal it was the US decision to restrict
our transactions in dollars which is absurd especially from the point of view of the interest of the US tax space because this decision has dealt a blow to the American economy undermining the American power across the world incidentally our transactions in youan accounted just for 3% right now uh We’ve uh up to 30% in transactions in Rubles and 34% in Yuan and R B so why did the US do that I think it’s self concede they thought that the Russian economy would collapse but it didn’t more over look at the other oil
developing oil producing countries they are doing the same thing they are following our suit they start to pay for oil in ren do they understand what they’re doing in the US what are they doing you know it’s [Music] like undermine their their own Prosperity here ask anyone uh who is a thinking person in the US I think that’s air I I think that’s a fair assessment the question is what comes next and maybe you trade one colonial power for another much less sentimental and forgiving colonial power I mean are is
the the bricks for example in danger of being completely dominated by the Chinese the Chinese economy uh in a way that’s not good for their sovereignty do you worry about that you know these spooky stories we’ve heard them before Bo stories China and us our neighbors you know you cannot choose neighbors or relatives we share a border with them 1,000 kilometers this is number one number two we’re used to one another we’ve been around for centuries in terms of our coexistence third the Foreign Affairs philosophy of
China is not aggressive their main tenants are about uh searching for compromise for a tradeoff and we can see that and the next point is as follows and I try to lay it out mildly in mild language where said that the volume of cooperation and trade with China keeps growing while the pace of the growth of China’s cooperation with Europe is higher outpacing uh the cooperation with Russia just ask the Europeans are they not afraid of being exposed to China they might be but you know anyway they want to enter the Chinese
market when they face the economic issues now they’re facing economic issues now in the Chinese Enterprises and companies are tapping into the European market and there are a lot of Chinese entrepreneurs and businesses in the US well the policies are to the effect of confining they are damaging themselves actually trying to confine limit cooperation with China you’re damaging your economy this is a very intricate matter and there can be no Silver Bullet Solutions as also regards the dollar well with respect to the
legitimate from the perspective of the chter sanctions one should have a second thought whether to make such decisions or not so you said a moment ago that the world would be a lot better if it weren’t broken into competing alliances if there was cooperation globally one of the reasons you don’t have that is because the current American Administration is dead set against you do you think if there were a new Administration after Joe Biden that you would be able to reestablish communication with the US government or
does it not matter who the president is let me finish the previous thought we have 200 million billion dollars this is the uh targets of uh myself and my friend that of my friends s Jinping the president of China we want to reach $200 billion do of mutual trade and we have smashed that we have exceeded that we have around 230 billion dollars of of bilateral trade and the Chinese statistics say that it’s around $40 billion dollar and what is important is that is a well balanced type of mutual trade mutually
mutually complimentary in energy and scientific Solutions and technological solutions and other things it’s well balanced in an equilibrium with respect to Bricks by and large Russia has assumed the presidency there since the start of the year and you know bricks countries our Powerhouse economy is rapidly developing oh I hope my memory wouldn’t let me down in 1992 the G7 country’s proportion global economy equaled around 47% in 1992 in 2022 it slumped down to 30 something per.
while the bricks sh was 16% in 1992 and now it is in excess of the G7 share in global economy and that has nothing to do with Ukrainian developments the global Trends manifest themselves in this way this is inevitable this will keep happening it’s like the rise of the sun you cannot prevent the Sun from rising you have to accommodate and adjust the United how does the United State accommodate that with help of force stions pressure bombings Armed Forces applied everywhere this is about conce your political Elite does not
understand that the world has been changing and it is an objective process a natural process and you have to make proper decisions timely decisions to preserve its level of dominance and such gross actions would lead to the opposite results this is obvious today you’ve just asked me whether another Administration in the US would change things it’s not about the leader the personality or administration had a very good relationship with George Bush and I know that in state in the United States He is treated as a simple
Countryside guy that has little idea of things but it’s not true and with respects to Russia he did a lot of mistakes also I told you about the Bucharest Summit of NATO in OA to open doors to Ukraine but you know it was under Bush and he put pressure on the Europeans but actually I had a good personal relationship with them interpersonal and it was no worse than any other American or Russian or european being politician he knew what he was doing as well as other people I had a good relationship with Donald
Trump it’s not about the personality of the lead it’s about the sentiment of the leads if the American society has the prevalence of domination at all costs with the help of resorting to force things will deteriorate keep deteriorating but if they come to a conclusion they come to INF that world is changing and it is a natural process that cannot be um helped they have to adjust themselves using the advantage that the unit American uh Nation still has in this case something will change for the better the Chinese economy has
become number one by PPP they have outpaced the years in volumes and then uh there is India 1.5 billion people living there then comes to Japan fourth and Russia is fifth Global largest economy last year it became the largest economy in Europe despite all the restrictions and sanctions do think it is natural a lot of sanctions are exerted against us we have been disconnected from Swift transaction system and our ships are under sanctions are uh vessels oil carrying vessels and aircrafts the biggest number of sanction
in the world is applied against this country and we have become the biggest economy of Europe over that period of time the instruments and the policies of the United States are ineffective so they should think what to do if they come to to understand that I mean the elites the ruling classes things will improve and and the the leader of the country will probably act in the interests of the voters and the decision makers at different levels but you’re describing two different systems you say the the leader acts in
the interest of the voters but you also say these decisions are not made by the leader they’re made by the ruling classes you’ve run this country for so long you’ve known all these American Presidents what are those power centers in the United States do you think like who actually makes the decisions I don’t know America is a very complex system on the one hand it’s conservative on the other hand it is it has been changing rapidly and it is U hard to have an idea an exact idea of what is happening and each state has its
own legislation each state has its own regulation and they can bar people from candidates from elections and they have the two stage two tier electoral system it is very hard to to to know it for to know it quite well there are two main parties dominating parties the bipartisan system and you know there is the decision- making Center but anyway look after the collapse of the USSR there was an erronous unfounded policy against Russia the policy of pressure uh NATO expansion means press and the backing of separatists in the
caucuses and the ABM the missile defense system establishment is also about pressure then Ukraine was dragged into NATO it is also an element of pressure why so because excessive production capabilities were created lots of think tanks and centers and Soviet studies professionals that knew no other thing and they persuaded the political leadership that they should keep pressing Russia mounting pressure to partition Russia with several quasi uh States on its territory so that their aggregate potential and capability
would be used for further struggle with China this is a mistake um because there have been too too many too many professionals dealing with the opposition to the USSR probably there there is Need for new fresh blood and forces and people that are forward looking and know what is happening worldwide look at Indonesia 600 million people a huge population that you have that you cannot turn a blind eye upon and Indonesia is now entering the club of the leading economies and despite all economic problems the US has a good
economic situation and the growth rate is around 2.5% if I’m not mistaken but actually if you want to provide for a good future you have to change the approach to what has been happening the world will will anyway change irrespective of what is the outcome of the Ukrainian situation the world has been changed and you know the pundits and experts in the US start writing that gradually the United States changes its policies to the world but whether it’s abrupt quick and painful or smooth and gradual this
is the question and this these are the the ideas of people that are not anti-American in nature that just they are looking and tracking the global developments and you know we need and to have more forward-looking people that can analyze things and recommend uh something to the political leadership I just have to ask you’ve said clearly that NATO expansion Eastward is a violation of the promise you all were made in 1990 it it’s a threat to your country right before you send troops into Ukraine the vice president of the United States went
to the Munich security conference and encouraged president of Ukraine to join NATO do you think that was an effort to provoke you into military action well we repeatedly on many occasions suggested the decisions to the problems that emerged in Ukraine after the coup in 2014 should be found with peaceful means but no one listened to us but the Ukrainian leadership that was under the Ukrainian the American control stated all of a sudden that they would not honor the Minsk Arrangements they didn’t like a thing about that and they
kept waging Warfare in that territory and the NATO military structures you know tapped into the Ukrainian soil with training centers and military bases established under these guys and in Ukraine they proclaimed that the Russians are not an original Nation not an authentic nation and they enacted laws that would limit the rights of the ethnic Russian and Russian speakers Ukraine received the southeast as a gift from Russia but all of a sudden they stated that Russians were not an authentic ethnicity there in their totality all these
things brought about the desire to stop the war launched by the neo-nazis in 2014 in Ukraine with use of force do you think zalinsky has the freedom to negotiate a settlement to this conflict I do not no the details I can hardly judge but I probably think he he he has or he father was at war against the Nazis in the Second World War I spoke with him once about that I told him why are you supporting the Neo-Nazi in Ukraine today when your father fought to them it was the front line I would Soldier I would not respond what he wouldn’t say what he
responded it would be inappropriate but but you know with with respect to Liberty and freedom well of his he rose to power on the well with the help of the Ukrainian expectations that he would bring peace to Ukraine this is why he had a landslide Victory but when he rose to power he figured that probably it would be better not to quarrel with the neo-nazis and nationalists because they are aggressive and you can expect anything they lose can and the second point is that the West will keep supporting those who are against Russia
always because it’s beneficial so this is why he adopted this position despite the previous uh promises and pledges to his people to stop the war in Ukraine so he deceived his own voters but do you think at this point as of February 2024 he has the latitude the freedom to speak with you or your government directly about putting an end to this which clearly isn’t helping his country or the world can he do that do you think why not well he believes himself to be head of state he won the election although we
believe that all those things that happened after 2014 originated from the kar and today’s authorities are flawed deficient and in he believes himself to the president and the United States and Europe recognize him and acknowledge his status well we had talks with Ukraine in stul and we nearly came to terms and he knew about that and Mr Rami who led the negotiating team of Ukraine still is head of Ukraine’s ruling party faction in in in their Parliament so he still is head of that presidential faction so he’s still an MP and he
subscribed the preliminary uh instrument in istan and publicly later he said that we were ready to sign it but uh Mr Johnson the then prime minister of the UK came and dissuaded us to do so saying that better go to war with Russia and we they would give us anything in everything so that we would return all the lands were lost he said and and they agreed uh he said his statement was made public he said it publicly and openly can they come back to that or not do they want it or not and afterwards the Ukrainian President issued a decree prohibiting to
to negotiate with us let him let him strike it down let him repeal that decree whether Russia is ready we hear these questions but would not decline to talk let him abandon and repeal this decree and the fact that they obeyed the um persuasion of the former UK prime minister Johnson is ridiculous and very said I think altogether as Mr Aram said a year and half ago we could stop the Warfare but actually the British persuaded us not to do so and we and we turned it down where is Mr Johnson now and the war is Ono that’s a good question where do you
think he is and why did he do that hell knows this was a mainstream idea everybody had was delusion that Russia could be defeated at the battlefield this was about uh self assurance seat and uh uh very few reason very little reason this was with with a with a whole heart but with little reasoning you’ve described the connection between Russia and Ukraine you’ve described Russia itself a couple of times as Orthodox that’s Central to your understanding of Russia you’ve said you’re Orthodox what
does that mean in for you you’re a Christian Leader by your own description so what effect does that have on you well you know as I mentioned previously in 988 Prince Vladimir underwent baptism as his grandmother Olga had done and then his armed troops also got converted and then other Russians converted into Orthodox Christianity it took some time and then it uh put some Roots very deep roots in the minds of Russian people when Russia expanded taking other nations and peoples professing Judaism Islam Buddhism Russia was always very loyal to
those who followed other religions and this was the source of Russia’s power there’s no doubt about that all world religions I have mentioned and which are also traditional religions of the Russian federations have uh almost the same precepts the values in these world religions are very close if not identical and the Russian authorities have always cherished the uh culture and the religions of peoples admitted into the field of the Russian state which served as the Cornerstone of security and stability of the Russian Nation the
Russian people because all peoples almost all peoples living here view Russia as their motherland say if there are people coming to the US from Latin America or there are migrants coming into Europe very often they come from their historical land to you to European countries whereas uh those who profess other religions than Orthodox Christianity in Russia still view Russia as their motherland we are all one big family and our Traditional Values are very close I said this is one big family but each family also includes other
smaller families and this is the basic Foundation of our society and if the family has tight need connections then that is exactly the case because you cannot assure a normal future for your children unless you ensure a normal future for the whole country can I can I say the one way in which the religions are different is that Christianity is specifically a nonviolent religion Jesus says turn the other cheek don’t kill how can a leader who has to kill of any country how can a leader be a Christian how do you
reconcile that to yourself well it’s easier to reconcile if you need to protect yourself your family your country we have not attacked anyone what was the starting point of the developments in Ukraine the starting point was the kud as well as the flare up of violence in donbas and we are protecting ourselves our people our country and our future as far as religion in general is concerned the thing is it does not manifest mostly externally it’s not just about going to church every day and kneeling to the
ground religion resides within your heart this is our culture it’s very human oriented you know dovi is very well known in the west as a genius of the Russian culture and the Russian literature and he spoke about that a lot he spoke about the Russian Soul the thing is Western Society is more pragmatic whereas a Russian person a Russian is more concerned about eternal things moral things values maybe you’ll disagree with me but I think Western culture is more pragmatic I’m not saying this is a bad thing this is what gives the golden
billion uh the uh chance to uh show some very good achievements in Practical terms and science the thing is we look the same but our conscience our mind said are somewhat different so so do you see the supernatural at work as you look out across what’s happening in the world now do you see God at work do you ever think to yourself these are forces that are not human no honestly I don’t think that I think the world Community is developing following the inherent laws and these laws are what they are and
there’s no escaping that it was always like that in Mankind’s history some countries Rose some peoples got bigger got stronger and then they left the international stage losing the quality they had been accustomed to well let’s look at genesan or the golden horde and the Conqueror or let’s remember the Roman Empire you know uh you might think that there was nothing greater than Ro Roman history and uh uh the history of mankind but then the barbarians got stronger got more numerous and Rome [Music]
fell head start their economy started to grow stronger and the regime osed by the Roman Empire fell apart but it took five centuries the Roman Empire had been disintegrating for five centuries the difference from the current state of affairs consists in the fact that right now the developments are far more rapid than they used to be during the Roman times so when does the AI Empire start do you think you asking increasingly more complicated questions in order to respond to this question you would need to be an expert
in big numbers and big data mean AI the thing is humanity is facing a lot of threats uh and uh terms of genetics for instance because right now geneticists can go as far as to you know create a specialized human being like an athlete or a genetically engineered military man do you know and a chip has been incorporated into the brain by El musk well I think uh there’s no stopping Elan musk he’s going to do what he thinks he needs to do but you need I don’t know to find some common ground with him you have to search for ways to
persuade him I think he’s a smart person and you’ve got to you know come to an agreement come to terms with him this process needs to be formalized and subjected to certain rules Humanity has to give them thought to what’s going to happen to humanity due to the new developments in genetics or in AI you can forecast what’s going to happen in a more or less accurate fashion but once Humanity felt an existential threat coming from nuclear weapons back then all countries who possess such weapons decided to come
to terms with one another because I understood that nuclear weaponry could drive Humanity to Extinction so once an understanding comes that unbridled development of AI or genetics or other fields which cannot be stemmed you know you can’t stop them research is going to continue as it was impossible to you know prevent powder from being used and once Humanity understands that this the threat comes from these fields then the time will come to come to an agreement on an interstate basis intergovernmental basis on how to
regulate these fields I I appreciate all the time uh you’ve given us I just got to ask you one last question and that’s about someone who’s very famous in the United States probably not here Evan gersovitz who’s the Wall Street Journal reporter he’s 32 um and he’s been in prisoned for almost a year uh this is a huge story in the United States and I just want to ask you directly without getting into the tales of it or your version of what happened if as a sign of your decency you would be willing to release him to
us and we’ll bring him back to the United States well done so many gestures of good willll out of decency that I think we’ve run out of them because we’ve never seen anyone reciprocate to us in a similar manner but on the whole we are willing to talk we do not rule out that we can do that if there is a movement to accommodate us on the other side and when I talk about the partners I’m talking about our special services and the special services are in contact with one another they are talking about this
subject there is no taboo on discussing this issue it can be solved and we’re willing to solve it but there are certain terms that need to we met that are discussed via special services channels I think an agreement can be reached so typically I mean this stuff has happened for obviously centuries one country catches another spy within its borders it trades it for one of its own Intel guys in another country I think what makes and it’s not my business but what makes this difference is the guy’s obviously not a
spy he’s a kid and maybe he was breaking your law in some way but he’s not a super spy and everybody knows that and he’s being held hostage in exchange which is true with respect it’s true and everyone knows it’s true so maybe he’s in a different category maybe it’s not fair to ask for you know somebody else in exchange for letting him out maybe it degrades Russia to do that well you can uh give different interpretations to what constitutes a spy but there are some uh things under
law if a person gets some Secret does that confidentially then that is qualified as Espionage and that is precisely what he was doing he was receiving some confidential information is uh getting that information in secret maybe had been uh implicated in that maybe he did that out of his own Val or due to carelessness but as facts stand this is qualified under law as Espionage and he was C red-handed when he was receiving that information and it’s been proven so you know if it had been some farfetched excuse
something some fabrication then it would have been a different story but he was called red handed when he was getting in secing some confidential information but are you suggesting he was working for the US government or NATO or he was just a reporter who was given material he wasn’t supposed to have those seem like very different very different things I don’t know who was he was working for but I would like to reiterate that getting confidential information in secret is qu Espionage maybe he might have worked under the banner of American
special services I don’t think he was working for Monaco even though Monaco might be interested in getting that information but it’s up to the special services to come to agreement and some groundwork has been laid there are people who in our view are not uh tied to special services you know there is a person serving a sentence uh in an ally country well in a country that is an ally of the us and that person due to patriotic sentiment uh eliminated some bandits in one of the European capitals during uh the
developments of the caucus do you know what he was doing I don’t want to say that but I’ll do that anyway he was laying our soldiers taken prisoner on the road and then he drove his car over their heads what kind of a person is that do you think that’s a human being and um you know a patriot decided to eliminate that beast and one of the European countries is he did that at his own valtion not well that is a different question yeah but EV that I mean that’s a completely different I mean I mean this a 32y old
like newspaper reporter he’s not just a journalist he’s a journalist who was getting confidential information in secret yes that’s different but still I’m telling you about other people who are basically controlled by the US authorities whatever they are serving a prison sentence and there is an ongoing dialogue among the special services and this has to be done in a calm responsible professional manner the contacts are ongoing so let them do their work I do not rule out that the person you’ve uh referred to can go back
to his country Mr gich more however it would be senseless to keep him in prison in Russia but we want our counterparts the special services in the US should also think about uh helping our special services and achieving their goals so we are willing to talk moreover these talks are continuing and there were many successful examples of these talks crown with success and maybe this is going to be crowned with success as well but we have to come to an agreement I hope you let them out Mr President thank you I also want him to go home and I’m
absolutely sincere with you but let me say once again the dialogue continues the more public we render things of this nature the more difficult it becomes to resolve them I wonder if that’s I wonder if that’s true with with the war though also I mean I just want to I guess I want to ask one more question which is and maybe you don’t want to say so for strategic reasons but are you worried that what’s happening in Ukraine could lead to something much larger and much more horrible and how motivated are you just
to call the US government and say let’s come to terms well listen I think I said that we do not refuse to talk to negotiate we’re willing to do that it’s the western side you know and Ukraine is a satellite uh country for the US it’s evident you know I don’t want to you to take that as a swear word no but we understand that that is what is happening you know the financial support is there it’s enormous Germany is following suit does thousand of billions of US dollars are fueled into Ukraine
there is a huge influx of arms of weapons so probably you should tell the current Ukrainian leadership well let’s stop let’s sit at the negotiating table resent this absurd decree sure but you already said it I didn’t think you meant it as an insult because you already said correctly it’s been reported that Ukraine was prevented from negotiating a peace settlement by the former British prime minister acting on behalf of the Biden Administration so of course there are satellite big countries control small
countries that’s not new and that’s why I asked about dealing directly with the Biden Administration which is making these decisions not president zinsky of Ukraine well if uh zilinsky Administration in Ukraine refuses to talk then I think uh they’ve got uh the instructions from Washington that’s what I assume well uh you should explain to Washington that this is not the right uh pretext they have to you know come up with some explanation which is not going to uh insult anyone so it was not our
decision it was their decision and it is up to them to re that decision to go back on it they took the wrong decision so uh why we are the ones to uh find out a way out we don’t need you know to correct their mistakes if it’s their mistake they have to correct it themselves so I just want to make sure I’m not misunderstanding what you’re saying I don’t think that I am I think you’re saying you want a negotiated settlement to what’s happening in Ukraine right and we were there there was a very huge document
which we prepared in Ean and it was initialed by the head of the Ukrainian delegation he opposed his signature to the document and we published some of the provisions he put his signature and he said they were willing to sign it and the war would have been over 18 months ago but prime minister Johnson came and he dissuaded us and we lost that missed that chance yes it’s a mistake but let them get back to that is as simple as that why do we need to bother ourselves and correct other others mistakes well yes you can say that uh this might
have been our mistake that we have decided to escalate and use uh weapon arms you know to to put an end to the war that started back in 2014 but let me get you back further to history I told you let’s get back to 1991 when a promise was given to us uh not to expand NATO let’s get back to 2008 when the doors were open to Nato or let’s get back to the Ukrainian Declaration of Independence that proclaimed it as a neutral state or let’s get back to the developments when uh American and British bases started to
be set up in Ukraine or let’s get back to 2014 the kud you know but it’s sensless you you can go back to history and go to and fro at infinitum uh it’s a mistake yes but let them correct that and we are willing to talk do you think it’s too humiliating at this point for NATO to accept Russian control of what was two years ago Ukrainian territory right I said that let them think how to uh come out of this in a dignified manner if the will is there up until now there’s been a lot of talk about the need to secure a
strategic defeat on the battlefield against Russia right now they’re coming to realize that it’s impossible I think it’s impossible it’s never going to happen inherently and I think they’re coming to realize that I mean those who control powers in the west and once the realization has set in they have to think about that and we’re willing to talk moreover would you be willing to say congratulations NATO you won and just keep the situation where it is now well this is a matter for talks for
negotiation and no one is willing to talk about that with us well maybe they want talks and I know they do want it’s not just I see that I know the will is there but they don’t know how to go about that they’ve driven the situation to the point where we are at and we’re not the ones to have done that it’s our partners our counterparts okay it happened but they have to think about how to reverse the situation but maybe we shouldn’t say that on camera you know it would be funny if it were not so sad you know and this
incessant mobilization in Ukraine the hysteria you know the domestic problems they’ve been plunged into sooner or later will come to an agreement I know it might sound bizarre in the current situation but be that as it may the relations between the two peoples will be rebuilt it’ll take a lot of time but they will heal and there are you know some examples to side an example the Ukrainian soldiers were in circled I I’m just drawing this example from real life our soldiers were shouting to them there’s no chance uh
surrender yourselves and uh you’ll go out alive and they are shouting speaking perfect Russians uh perfect Russians saying Russians do not surrender you know from the Ukrainian so what is happening currently to a certain extent is an element of Civil War and everyone in the west think that the hostilities have uh driven a wedge into these two Nations splitting them apart forever but it’s not going to happen they will get back together what are the Ukrainian authorities dismantling the Ukrainian orthodox church because it brings
together not just the territory it brings together our souls and hearts and no one will be able to separate that Soul shall we uh end here or is there anything else no I think that’s great best you thank you Mr President you thank you